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Frequently Asked Questions
Commonly asked questions about Imonggo
How do I change my password?
What are the different user roles?
Why do I have trouble logging in?
Why didn't I receive a confirmation email?
Can I use Imonggo to handle fast food or a restaurant business?
Can I use Imonggo for a mail order business?
How do I handle consignment sales?
Does Imonggo support serial number?
Does Imonggo support other languages?
Does Imonggo support multiple users?
Why are stock numbers sorted alphabetically rather than numerically?
Can I download Imonggo?
How do I change the transaction time?
How to display or compute change at the store?
How do I increase quantity on-hand?
Does Imonggo support multiple branches or locations?
Is Imonggo an e-commerce or shopping cart system?
Does Imonggo support seasonal business?